Taisya Evsyukova

Age, from: 3 years old, Lipetsk
Diagnosis: central nervous system damage
The girl was born prematurely with severe pneumonia. Right from her birth Taisiya had to fight a serious disease. Children with these diseases need to undergo regular treatment, it is important not to waste time. Taisiya currently needs treatment which costs 74,950 rubles. Please help the child recover and defeat her disease!
Help rendered
Financed treatment, cost 74,950 rubles.
Incoming donations
09.07.2014 — Жданов В.И., 5000р
04.07.2014 — Berbenets Yuriy , 5000р
01.07.2014 — BOBKOV ANATOLY , 1000р
30.06.2014 — Корлыханов А.А. , 5000р
28.06.2014 — Алексей Неревяткин , 2000р
26.06.2014 — LOBANOV EVGENY , 20000р
21.06.2014 — ИП Иванов П.М., 500р
15.06.2014 — Кузнецов Дмитрий , 2090.49р
15.06.2014 — Гордеева Ю.В., 3000р
15.06.2014 — Бизина Е.В., 2000р
09.06.2014 — Интернет лотереи 2LOTO.com, 200$
06.06.2014 — Рыбина О.И., 1000р
06.06.2014 — Гоменный М.М. , 200р
05.06.2014 — Амелова Карина , 10000р
04.06.2014 — Лабазанова Мата , 1000р
31.05.2014 — небога алексей , 1300р
29.05.2014 — ООО "ТД Металлопрокат", 11150р
29.05.2014 — ЗАО Липецкстальмеханизация, 5000р
27.05.2014 — ООО "Мехколонна-1", 10000р
27.05.2014 — Неревяткин Алексей , 2000р
22.05.2014 — небога алексей , 1600р
19.05.2014 — небога алексей , 2200р
Financed treatment for Taisiya Evsukova
A charity children’s Fund «Children of Earth» closes the collection of charitable donations to pay for the treatment of Taisiya. In the near future we will pay for treatment of the child. Thank you to all our supporters for their help and support!
Help a sick child
Charitable Foundation for Children «Children of Earth» begins collecting donations for treatment of Taisya Evsyukova. The girl has organic damage of the central nervous system. She needs treatment which costs 74,950 rubles. Please help a sick child defeat her disease!