Arseniy Kireev

Age, from: 8 years old, Lipetsk
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
Arseny is a disabled child. Typically, children like him do not survive, but Arseniy did survive. During birth the boy had a brain hemorrhage. His mother is raising him alone and is unable to pay for treatment. Now Arseniy requires second surgery in the city of Tula, cost 16,000 rubles. Help the child!
Help rendered
Paid 16,000 eubles for surgery in Tula
Incoming donations
16.02.2012 — Потапова А.Н., 500р
14.02.2012 — Кузнецова Н.А., 500р
14.02.2012 — Кабанкова Т.С., 500р
09.02.2012 — Хрипунков А.В., 15000р
09.02.2012 — Юрьевич П.С. ( Assist ), 250р
08.02.2012 — Дмитриев Г.А., 980р
07.02.2012 — Кручинина Е.Ю. ( Assist ), 2000р
Finished raising funds for the surgery of Arseny Kireev
Charitable Foundation for Children "Children of Earth" has fully collected the necessary amount for the treatment of Arseny. The payment will be made as soon as possible. Arseny's mother warmly thanks all those who helped her son. Only at a moment like this you realize how many good people are around.
Raising funds for surgery of Kireev Arseny
Charitable Foundation for Children "Children of Earth" begins collecting donations for the surgery of Arseny Kireev from Lipetsk. The boy is ill with cerebral palsy. In order to reduce the muscle contracture multiple surgeries are required. Help the child have treatment!