Charity Foundation

Children of Earth

Enabling children to live and smile

+7 (495) 971-20-44

Danil Nasirov

Danil Nasirov

Age, from: 5 years, Lipetsk

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy

Danil is now 5 years old. He does not sit, does not walk, talk, or hold his head very well. He has delayed psycho-motor development. But he is a very positive, cheerful boy. He likes to swim and play, listen to classical music. The child needs to take a course of treatment at the rehabilitation clinic in Truskavets every 4–6 months at the cost of 82,690 rubles. Help Danil recover!

Help rendered

Collected 82,690 rubles for treatment.

Incoming donations

28.12.2012 — Кручинина Евгения Юрьевна ( Assist ), 1000р
27.12.2012 — Небога Алексей ( Assist ), 5000р
17.12.2012 — webmoney, 10$
14.12.2012 — Малякин Федор ( Assist ), 800р
04.12.2012 — ООО "Центромет", 5000р
30.11.2012 — Интернет-казино, 300$




Collected donations for treatment of Danil Nasirov

Charitable Foundation for Children «Children of Earth» completes the collection of charitable donations for the treatment of Danil. The required amount is collected. We wish Danil success and more smiles in the coming year.


Help Danil defeat his disease

Moscow Charitable Foundation for Children «Children of Earth» begins to raise funds to pay for treatment of Danil Nasirov in Truskavets at the cost of 82,690 rubles. The child suffers from cerebral palsy. He needs regular courses of rehabilitation therapy. Help the child!