Bulat Shayakhmetov

Age, from: 11, Bashkortostan
Diagnosis: perinatal CNS damage
Bulat was born after seven months of pregnancy but the doctors said that everything is fine and the baby is completely healthy. Three days later the child suffered clinical death. The doctors were unable to give any clear explanation of what happened. Bulat was given disability. Since then the child is under constant medical supervision. He is undergoing rehabilitation. Bulat has very positive dynamics of treatment. He requires treatment at the Sakura clinic in Chelyabinsk. Cost of treatment is 171,000 rubles. We need your help to pay for his treatment!
Help rendered
Collected 171,000 rubles for treatment.
Incoming donations
17.06.2013 — Красноруцкий Б.О., 1000р
17.06.2013 — Смирнов В.Е., 170000р
13.06.2013 — webmoney, 20$
13.06.2013 — Кручинина Евгения Юрьевна ( Assist ), 2000р
14.05.2013 — Красноруцкий Б.О., 1000р
Collected funds for treatment of Bulat Shayakhmetov
Charitable Foundation for Children «Children of Earth» has collected the necessary amount for the treatment of Bulat. We wish to give special thanks to our
Need help paying for child's treatment
Charitable Foundation for Children «Children of Earth» begins collecting donations for treatment of Bulat Shayakhmetov. Treatment cost is 171,000 rubles. The child has a very good prognosis but he needs to get one more treatment course. Please help Bulat defeat his disease!