Yana Strebulyeva

Age, from: 15, Bashkortostan
Diagnosis: diabetes mellitus type 1
Yana was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus at five years. It was a surprise and a shock to the whole family. She has to inject insulin up to eight times a day. The disease has changed the child dramatically. The girl began to get tired quickly, her vision deteriorated, lumps formed on her body from the frequent injections. At 10 years the girl had an insulin pump installed that has become a real salvation for a sick child. Recently, the child had her disability status removed and deprived of her pension. Her family now has to buy test strips and other consumables for the pump. We ask you to help a sick child in the acquisition of consumables and test strips for this pump. The cost is 164,520 rubles. Help Yana Strebulyeva!
Help rendered
Collected 164,520 rubles for insulin pump consumables.
Incoming donations
13.12.2017 — Шутова М.В. , 1500р
11.12.2017 — Тришина О.Г. , 250р
26.11.2017 — Шутова М.В. , 2500р
01.11.2017 — Яндекс Деньги, 300р
05.10.2017 — Яндекс Деньги, 300р
07.09.2017 — Яндекс Деньги, 200р
17.07.2017 — Павлюченков А.А., 350р
13.07.2017 — Яндекс Деньги, 500р
12.07.2017 — Гончаров И.В. , 1000р
01.07.2017 — Яндекс Деньги, 600р
22.06.2017 — Павлюченков А.А., 300р
02.06.2017 — ИП Климанова Е.В., 1000р
31.05.2017 — Яндекс Деньги, 600р
19.05.2017 — Сарвардинов Талгат , 500р
19.05.2017 — Юдина Р.Ю. , 100р
19.05.2017 — Сорокина С.А., 1000р
19.05.2017 — Лисафьева Ю.В., 500р
07.05.2017 — Яндекс Деньги, 800р
03.05.2017 — Великоднев О.А.(от института филологии) , 15000р
03.05.2017 — Логунова Е.Ю. , 300р
10.04.2017 — Инкибаев Ермек , 350р
02.04.2017 — Залялов Рамиль , 1000р
01.04.2017 — Яндекс Деньги, 1000р
15.03.2017 — Яндекс Деньги, 500р
26.02.2017 — Ишков Сергей , 1000р
18.02.2017 — Яндекс Деньги, 500р
11.01.2017 — webmoney онлайн казино Goldfishka.me, 150$
10.01.2017 — Яндекс Деньги, 5000р
09.01.2017 — webmoney, 10$
Funds for Yana Strebuleva have been collected
\Charitable Foundation for children «Children of Earth» has paid for the consumables for Yana’s insulin pump. Thanks to our supporters for their help.
Need help for insulin-dependent child
Charitable Foundation for children «Children of Earth» asks for help in purchasing supplies and test strips to insulin pump for Yana Strebulaeva. The child has diabetes. Really need Your help!